NoGa East Atlanta Chapter
A small goup assembled on short notice at the Dacula Gazebo. Host, John Cummins, Jr. had made this facility on the back of his large property available also on short notice.
Norm, WA4ZXV, Newt, N4EWT and Pickett, AD4S set up 2 stations about 500 yards apart and had a fine old time. We had a K2 in the gazebo and a PFR-3 in the camper. W3EDP type antennas were deployed using Pickett's new launcher. Both antennas were up around 80 feet.
Click on any of the small pictures below to see a slide show of the East Atlanta Chapter activity.
Click HERE to see how Newt's day went..! You will have to open this in a new tab or a new window..!
If any of the other NoGa Chapters (North Fulton, Cobb, etc.) have pictures that they would like to include in this album.. send them to me.
Pickett, AD4S
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