1999 NOGA QRP Field Day

By Sam Billingsley, AE4GX and Mike Boatright, K04WX

This FD had all the Elements (no pun intended) of a classic filed Day event. New location, New gear, New Operations tent setup, New Antennas (some old). A REAL field (Bob, WA1EDJ's, farm near Monroe, GA). These factors mixed with a dose of rainy weather made for an interesting few nights.

We had made plans to leave work by mid-afternoon on Friday. this would give us 2-3 hours to setup camp site and hopefully get an antenna or two up. Warm afternoon...dry.

Got to the field and took a closer look at the planned camp site. Hummmm... 90% covered in Poison Ivy. So PLAN "B". We walked around the spread and selected an spot closer to Bob's house but near several trees that had possibilities for wire antennas.

WA1EDJ's Farm near Monroe, GA
NOGA QRP Field Day Setup

Two sleeping tents up and a new canopy tent with netting sides for the operating positions. We used the acquired 8 ft folding table that Mike hauled out of the Hamfest thinking that one of us had forgotten. Guess what--a new NOGA asset (currently stored at Bob's - Thanks Bob).

NOGA QRP Field Day Setup

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