North Georgia QRP Club DXCC Event
Objective: Using the NoGa Club call, NO4GA, Work 100 DXCC Countries during 2012 at QRP power level
This event is a direct copy of the noble effort made by the North Fulton Amateur Radio League to get DXCC with their club call. They did it and got their certificate during HamJam. We’re going to make our DXCC using power levels of 5 and 10 watts.
Are you ready for the challenge? Here’s how.
1. Using the club call, NO4GA, any club member who has been sworn in and current in dues will work a DX entity on any of the ham bands in any mode - CW, RTTY, PSK, or Phone - at regulation QRP power - 5 watts CW and 10 watts phone.
2. Try to make sure you are working stations that use LoTW (logbook of the world) - you can check that on this website:
3. Send your log to AD4S “at” ARRL.NET with the subject line “NO4GA log”. If possible send me a file of the log in .adi format if you are using an electronic log. Otherwise, just send me the details: Call, time (Z), date, band, and RST.
4. I will take care of getting the log into proper format and upload it to LoTW.
5. To help prevent duplicates, I will upload weekly a list of DXCC entities worked to the NOGA website, And I will be keeping a list of NoGanauts who are participating. You’ll get a copy of our certificate if you can work just one country.
This event began January 26, 2012,
and will run until the club makes DXCC-QRP.
So fire up your rigs and get ready to rock and roll - there are some DX Expeditions operating now that are just waiting to hear from NO4GA.
I’m sure, like any ham activity, you’ll have comments and questions. Just send them to me at the above.
Click HERE to see how we are doing..!!
72, gud DX es gl de Phil, W3HZZ
This page last updated