Couldn't get 'em all in one picture but from left to right around the table: Jim,
K9GKB, Joe, W4JHR, Marvin, W4UXJ, Pickett, AD4S, Norm, WA4ZXV, Phil, K4PQC, Mike, W3IRZ,
Bob, AA4CX, Jimmy, AE4DT, and with the backs to the camera are George, WA4TNU and Jack
K5FSE. |
Got a few more in this one: l/r: Phil, K4PQC, Mike, W3IRZ, Bob, AA4CX, (in
the back getting the last donut) Greg, KD4JVG, (behind Jimmy) Russ, AE4NY,
Jimmy, AE4DT, (all the way from Columbus) John, WB4GVL and Ken, W4DU. |
Typical picture of the alert and dynamic NoGaNaughts l/r front row; John, WB4GLJ
and Ken W4DU. Back in the peanut gallery are l/r: Wey K8EAB, Brandon, KG4GVL
and Guy, AF4MN. |
Joe, W4JHR's FDIM buildathon frequency counter. Joe was one of the beta
constructors who also helped validate the documentation. |
Phil, K4PQC, brought this object d'art from Harbor Freight. Can't remember
all the functions but it beat Ginzu knives and bamboo steamers by a long shot. Send
us a list Phil and we will include the real features. |
John, N4TOL, brought in his 624 xcvr. He had it receiving and needed
some NoGa help to get the xmtr working. |
Another 624 shot. These are no longer available but were nice, cost effective
kit. |
Marvin, W4UXJ, brought in this incredibly sensitive rf meter. (give us some
details Marvin and we will post them here). |
Zentith table top. Another incredible restoration job by Mike, W3IRZ.
Mike carved the push buttons on either end from wood to exactly match the remaing plastic
buttons. |
Note all the band trimmers in the front. |
Another shot of the Zenith but wanted everyone to see Norm, WA4ZXV's TenTec PM-2.
He built it brand new and it was in really good shape. A real qrp collectors
item. |
A shot of Ken, W4DU's MultiPig. Ken also had a nice NOS Millen dial assembly. |