NoGaWaTT Kit InformationNoGa (North Georgia QRP Club) has finished another production run of the world famous NoGaWatt Meter Kit. The NoGaWaTT was featured in an issue of the NJQRP "Homebrewer". This is a QRP watt meter and swr meter kit based on the "Stockton" design found in the 1996 ARRL Handbook pp 22.36. The kit includes 2 analog meters (forward and reverse), pc board and parts and instructions to complete the kit including a dummy load. Users supply the enclosure and connectors. The power out meter can be used for either 6 watts or 2 watts maximum or with the addition of a switch and another set of trim pots can be switched between these 2 ranges. The meter labels are included and were calibrated with a scope. No batteries or external power are required to use this kit. The kit is Altoids compliant. Several club members have packaged the NoGaWaTT with their NoGa PiG (Power Indicator/Guard) and never go out without them. Click HERE for the NoGaWaTT documentation in pdf format. Click HERE for the NoGaWaTT documentation in WORD (tm) .doc format Click HERE to see photos of the NoGaWatt .Pricing and ordering information This page last updated 05/01/2012 |