By Sam Billingsley, AE4GX
We had another outstanding gathering at Tech America. We filled the room with 22 members including 6 first time members. Bernie Nessen, W4BZA, from Opelika, Alabama set the travel distance and brought some special homebrew show-to-tell items. All in all, I can say that it was the best collection of varied kit and homebrew gear that I have seen at one time in the two years I've been involved with NOGA. Not only was there great stuff to see, it immediately gave ideas about how to MOD something you been working on to improve it.
The first-time members had a drawing to win an autographed copy of the new ARRL publication "Low Power Communications" by Rich Arland, famed QRPer. I believe that Bernie, W4ZBA was the winner.
Several folks brought items for the group and it was decided to give them to the members at a token charge to go into a kiddy for future NOGA events (i.e. Run for the Kudzu, hamfests, etc).
Jim Stafford, W4QO indicated that Ken Evans W4DU volunteered to keep account of and hold the money taken in along with the small amount we already had for use in a future club project.
Sam Billingsley, AE4GX highlighted a possible new NOGA sponsored project to be offered in the fall to the QRP community at large using web and various QRP journals and QRP lists to alert the QRPers of the kit.
We had a wide range of show and tell items including:
I know I have forgot some things and misstated others. Please send in corrections.
Next meeting is October 3rd (first Saturday in October). NOGA is planning a "Run for the Kudzu" at some metro park for the meeting with special operating contest and food. Stay tuned.
The signin sheet had the following:
Jim | W4QO | Sam | AE4GX |
Bob | WA1EDJ | Karl | K4GZZ |
Tom | K4TJD | Jerry | W3CDE |
Paul | K4HCM | Mike | W3IRZ |
Jim | KT4A | Chuck | KG4ADU |
Bernie | W4ZBA | Gary | N4OLN |
Leonard | KS4RN | Rick | K4RAB |
Mike | KO4WX | Phil | K4PQC |
Jim | KR4QN | Phil | KA4AYR |
Ed | N4XY | Chuck | WA6LTV |
Jim | KE4ZX | Russ | AE4NY |
Thanks for making this a great meeting. Hope to see you before the next meeting in Oct. Please try the 2 mtr and 80 nets on Tuesday nights check the web page for details.
Sam Billingsley AE4GX
Atlanta (Buckhead), GA