With the oscillator working, you're read to move on to the output stage. It includes
only six parts, so construction won't take long.
- Solder the "cold" end of the transformer secondary to ground.
- Mount the 39ohm resistor near the secondary by soldering one end of the resistor
to ground.
- Solder the free end of L2, the transformer secondary, to the top end of the 39ohm
- Mount the output transistor* by soldering the emitter to ground and the base to the
top of the 30ohm resistor. Position the collector so that it can be connected to
the output filter.
- Solder the zener diode between the collector of the output transistor and ground.
The banded end should go to the transistor.
- Solder one end of the molded RF choke (black) to the collector of the output transistor.
- Solder a 0.1 disk capacitor to the collector of the transistor. This capacitor couples
RF to the output filter, so position it accordingly.
- Solder a 0.1 disk capacitor from the 12-volt end of the RF choke to ground.
- Now connect a jumper from between terminal strip lugs 2 and 5, connecting the
220ohm resistor and the RF choke.